SAFA™ (Seismos Acoustic Friction Analysis) offers real-time, precise measurements of pipe and perforation friction, essential for optimizing hydraulic fracturing operations. This information helps operators improve their completions designs and automate the treatment, leading to better resource management and reduced operational expenses.
SAFA™ measures pipe and perforation friction in real-time to calculate perforation efficiency and advises to make precise adjustments to perforation schemes, fluid compositions, and pumping strategies. This optimizes performance, reduces costs, and improves overall efficiency for frac operations.
SAFA™ generates pipe friction curves and bottomhole pressure data, allowing operators to evaluate FR concentration and the impact of water quality on FR performance in real-time. This ensures optimal fluid performance, maximizes efficiency, and minimizes friction-related issues during hydraulic fracturing treatments.
SAFA™ uses multiple measures of perf efficiency throughout frac stimulation to monitor cluster flow distribution. By improving the average Uniformity Index (UI) by as little as 0.1 in a given well, first-year production can be increased by 2.5%.
SAFA™ calculates EHD before perforation conditions start to alter due to erosion or other factors. Having the correct EHD is crucial for achieving the desired limited entry designs. Ensuring EHDs are within specification is the first step to creating a predictable and efficient fracture treatment.